Selected Affiliate Faculty

Jan-Walter De Neve
Professor, DrPH DirectorGlobal Health Management & PolicySDSU[email protected]857-333-9297HT 107
Connie Evashwick
ProfessorGlobal Health Management & PolicySDSU[email protected]
Susan M. Kiene
ProfessorEpidemiology and BiostatisticsSDSU[email protected]619-594-1314HH 136
Charles Matthews III
LecturerGlobal Health Management & PolicySDSU[email protected]
Eyal Oren
School of Public Health Director, ProfessorEpidemiology and BiostatisticsSDSU[email protected]619-594-0964HT 103
Gary Rotto
Adjunct Associate ProfessorGlobal Health Management & PolicySDSU[email protected]