Susan M. Kiene

Headshot of Susan M. Kiene

Pronouns: She/Her
Associate Director for Research
Epidemiology and Biostatistics



Primary Email: [email protected]


Primary Phone: 619-594-1314


Hepner Hall - 136


Website Links


  • HIV Prevention:HIV testing and linkage to care, care engagement, PrEP, intimate partner violence, HIV stigma, mental health
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health:improving access to family planning services, reproductive autonomy, gender dynamics, male involvement, couples interventions
  • Alcohol interventions: alcohol and HIV, multilevel alcohol interventions incorporating behavioral economics and economic strengthening
  • COVID-19:addressing disparities in COVID-19 outcomes through improved access to testing, treatment, and vaccines
  • Methodology: clinical trials, implementation science, biomarker outcomes in behavioral interventions, daily process/ecological momentary assessment
  • Digital Health: e.g., mobile data collection, cloud-based architecture, standardization, personalized interventions, to improve data accessibility, interoperability, and health service delivery in resource-limited settings.