Minor in Public Health
Directions: Use this four year checklist to ensure you are on route to a timely graduation with your Minor in Public Health (PH) from SDSU.
Contact the Public Health Advisors with questions: [email protected]
*PH 101 & PH 292 must be taken for a letter grade and receive a grade of B or higher; these courses must be completed before taking 300-level courses (exceptions include the following GE courses: GENS 340, PH 330, PH 353, and PH 362).
All public health courses must be taken for a letter grade.
Students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better to enroll in the required 300-level public health courses.
PH Minor - Required Classes
9 Units of the following required courses
- PH 101* - Introduction to Public Health - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
- PH 292* - History of Public Health (Or PH 290) - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
- PH 302 - Epidemiology of Communicable and Chronic Diseases - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall or Spring
- (You must complete PH 101 and PH 292 PRIOR to enrollment in this course, concurrent enrollment is not allowed)
Total Required Courses for a Minor in PH: 9
PH Minor - Elective Classes
Select Nine (9) Units from the following courses
(Most 400-level courses require public health prerequisites beyond those listed above, see note below for additional information)
- PH 250 - Epidemics and Infections - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall only
- PH 300 - Professionalism and Public Health - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall only
- PH 304 - Environmental Health - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall or Spring
- PH 305 - Medical Care Organization and Delivery - Units: 3 - Semester: Spring only
- PH 306 - Public Health Research - Units: 3 - Semester: Spring only
- PH 307 - Applied Biostatistics in Public Health - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall or Spring
- PH 330 - Plagues Through the Ages - Units: 3 - Semester: Spring only
- PH 331 - Emergency Preparedness & Disaster Response - Units: 3 - Semester: TBD-As-Offered
- PH 332 - Public Health Nutrition - Units: 3 - Semester: TBD-As-Offered
- PH 333 - Health Equity - Units: 3 - Semester: TBD-As-Offered
- PH 353 - Human Sexuality & Disease - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
- PH 362 - Global Health - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall, Spring, Summer
- PH 395 - Emerging Topics in Public Health - Units: 3 - Semester: TBD-As-Offered
- PH 451 - Public Health and Food Safety - Units: 3 - Semester: TBD-As-Offered
- PH 452 - Health Impacts of Climate Change - Units: 3 - Semester: (Every other year) TBD-As-Offered
- PH 490A - Health Data Analysis - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall or Spring
- PH 490B - Public Health Program Planning - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall only
- PH 490C - Public Health Program Evaluation - Units: 3 - Semester: Spring only
- PH 496 - Experimental/Special Topics (topics vary) - Units: 3 - Semester: Varies
- Gen S 340 - Confronting HIV/AIDS - Units: 3 - Semester: Fall or Spring
Total Elective Courses: 9
*Courses must be taken for a letter grade and receive a grade of B or higher, these classes cannot be taken for credit/no credit
NOTE: Most 400-level courses require public health prerequisites. Some prerequisites may be substituted with courses outside of public health with permission of the instructor and PH undergraduate advisor. For example, to enroll in PH 490B, students must have completed PH 306, however a research methods course in another department may be substituted. Please contact [email protected] to seek support if you wish to register for 400-level courses.
- Courses must follow the seven year real, courses not taken within the prior seven years will need to be repeated
- Other courses may be substituted but only with prior approval from the PH undergraduate advisor
- All students must maintain a 2.0 GPA average for the minor courses - Graduation Requirements.
Contact Us
SDSU School of Public Health
San Diego, CA 92182-4162