Dr. Connie Evashwick is an experienced healthcare executive and academician who thrives at the nexus of management and academia, health care delivery systems and public health, long-term care and acute care. Dr. Evashwick holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from Stanford University and a master’s and doctoral degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. She has been credentialed in public health (CPH) and association management (CAE) and is a Lifetime Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (LFACHE). Her expertise includes the continuum of care, long-term care delivery systems and health professions education. More recently she has focused on hospital community benefit, public health systems, and international public health. Dr. Evashwick is currently an adjunct professor working with San Diego State University to launch two new public health doctoral programs: DrPH in Executive Management and DrPH in Global Health Management. Her multifaceted career has included positions in academia, consulting, association leadership, direct healthcare operations management, and international public health. She has been vice president of long-term care for two major health care systems and consulted with health systems, hospitals, and long-term care organizations across the USA. On the international scene, she has worked with university health professions programs in Wales, Switzerland, Malaysia, Ghana, Bhutan, Italy, Finland, and Vietnam. Dr. Evashwick has been active in professional societies, including being Regent of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) and chair of the Gerontological Health Section of the American Public Health Association. Positions Dr. Evashwick has held include the Archstone Foundation Endowed Chair at California State University Long Beach, Dean of the SLU School of Public Health and Professor of Health Management & Policy, Senior Director of Academic Programs for the Association of Schools of Public Health, and Provost of St. John International University. She has authored over 115 publications, including 17 books. Dr. Evashwick was the founding editor of Frontiers in Public Health Education and Promotion. She has generated and managed over $10 million in grants from private and public sources.
Connie Evashwick

Pronouns: She/Her
Global Health Management & Policy
Primary Email: [email protected]