Dr. Richard M. Gersberg

Dr. Richard M. Gersberg is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Public Health at San Diego State University (SDSU). He has an M.S. degree in biology and a Ph.D degree in microbiology from the University of California, Davis. Dr. Gersberg specializes in water quality research, and has broad experience working with both chemical and microbiological pollutants and human health risk assessments. He has well over 100 scientific publications in these areas. Dr. Gersberg has conducted a number of studies on the detection, quantitation, and risk posed by chemicals and/or pathogens in the Tijuana River and Estuary at the U.S-Mexico border, the Salton Sea, CA and the Venice Lagoon, Italy. He has directly measured the level of hepatitis A virus and enteroviruses in the nearshore coastal waters of Imperial Beach and has carried out risk assessments for these pathogens as well as for toxic chemical contaminants in these waters. Dr, Gersberg is a member of the Independent Advisory Panel for the City of San Diego’s Pure Water Project and for the East County Advanced Water Purification Program (Padre Dam Municipal Water District and Helix Water District).