Linda Lara-Jacobo

Headshot of Linda Lara-Jacobo

Pronouns: She/Her
Assistant Professor
Environmental Health



Primary Phone: 760-768-5500-65586

Website Links


Dr. Lara-Jacobo holds a Ph.D. in Toxicogenomics from the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique. Linda has more than ten years of research and teaching/mentoring experience, including work with indigenous and rural communities. She is developing liaisons between health, environment, gender equality, social inclusion and diversity, indigenous engagement, and science diplomacy toward a sustainable world. She’s also a member of the HB Women in STEMM Leadership program, acting against climate change on a global scale by observing its effects in Antarctica and increasing women’s leadership. In 2021, she received the Hispanic Women of the Year Merit Award (QC, Canada).


  • PhD, Water Sciences (Toxicogenomics), Institut National de la Researche Scientifique (2020)
  • MS, Life Sciences (Toxicology), Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education (2012)
  • BS, Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (BPCH), Autonomous University of Baja California (2010)

Areas of Specialization

  • Environmental Toxicology and Epidemiology
  • Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE)
  • Environmental and Human Risk Assessments


For an up-to-date publications list see Orcid