Internship Program and Research & Special Studies

Information for Students in the Bachelors of Science in Public Health

Area B Requirement

Area B encompasses applied practice, experiential learning, and research experiences. You must be a declared public health major with Junior or Senior standing to be able to enroll in Area B Option.

1. PH 497: Applied Practice Internship

Apply and integrate your public health skills and knowledge through an internship at a community site (124 hours of internship is required). PH 497 requires special approval before you start your internship and enroll in the course. Current students, see Canvas Area B Module AND PH 497: Applied Practice Experience Module for more details.

Contact Geysil Arroyo, Instructor and Manager of the Field Practice Program at
[email protected]

Applied Practice for Field Site Supervisors/Partners (current and potential)

For questions or to learn more about the SDSU School of Public Health Internship Program, process for becoming a field site and posting internship opportunities, contact Geysil Arroyo, Instructor and Manager of the Field Practice Program at [email protected]

2. PH 499: Research with Faculty

Conduct 124 hours of hands-on applied research under the mentorship of a public health faculty member. To enroll in PH 499, you must secure a research placement with a faculty member. PH 499 requires special approval before you can enroll in the course. Current students, see Canvas Area B Module AND PH 499: Research Module for more details.

Contact Dr. Jennifer Felner, BSPH Program Director at [email protected]

3. Additional Options

These varied by semester. Current students, see Canvas Area B Module for more details.

Contact Louise Chatagnier ([email protected],) or Christie Jiminez ([email protected]) -Undergraduate Advisors

Information for Students in Graduate and Higher-Level Public Health Programs

Research and Special Studies Courses (PH 797, PH 798, PH 897, PH 898, PH 899)

The Research & Special Studies courses provide invaluable hands-on experience to you as you progress towards your degree. These courses require special approval before you can add them to your schedule. Each concentration may have different requirements and procedures for completing these units. Current students, please check with your Faculty Advisor or Division Head for more information

Applied Practice/ Internship Courses (PH 650R, PH 650, PH 750, PH 850)

Apply and integrate your public health skills and knowledge through an internship at a community site (at least 130 hours/3 units of internship is required). These courses require special approval before you can start your internship and can add them to your schedule. Current students, see Canvas Applied Practice/ Internships Module for more details.

Contact Geysil Arroyo, Instructor and Manager of the Field Practice Program at [email protected]

Applied Practice for Field Site Supervisors/Partners (current and potential)

For questions or to learn more about the SDSU School of Public Health Internship Program, process for becoming a field site and posting internship opportunities, contact Geysil Arroyo, Instructor and Manager of the Field Practice Program at [email protected]

Contact Us

SDSU School of Public Health

Hardy Tower room 119
5500 Campanile Drive
San Diego, CA 92182-4162